My 1st ever Solo Homeownership! Transitions and Letting Go
In 13 days, I close on my first ever solo homeownership! While I am super excited for this major transition … I also am feeling some...
My 1st ever Solo Homeownership! Transitions and Letting Go
From the Purium Convention to the Salmon River
Reflecting on 2023 and Inviting in the New Year ✨
Nature Heals, my day at Cicero Swamp
How a half a year flew by in a flash
“The only thing constant in life is change.”
Self Care during Challenging Times
Going with the Flow
View From A New Perspective
May 1, 2022, Happy Beltane!
Mindfulness Practice is the Way
Taking time out for Stillness
Every day is an Opportunity for New Beginnings
Feeling Gratitude during uncertain Times
New Yoga Offering Beginning June 5th, 2020: Lunchtime Yoga for the back, hips & lower triangle
Spring Equinox 2020; How are you coping with the Pandemic?