With the extended heat spells this summer, many of us have been feeling a drain to our system. This weekends’ cool weather is a welcome reprieve before it begins to climb again. When life presents challenges such as these intense or extreme conditions, it’s always a great idea to re-focus on Self- Care. Rather than taking an attitude of “pushing through” (which we do need to do now and again) perhaps we can create a new habit of noticing when our system is under stress and then make better choices. Sometimes these choices include backing off from all the overdoing & overextending, even if it includes leisure time activities. Summer months can often make us more social and active due to the longer days and summer vacations. While we want to enjoy and take advantage of opportunities for fun, it’s still important to check in with ourselves to make sure we are balancing those activities with quietude and self- care. By checking in with ourselves daily in our yoga practice for example in the areas of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health, we can become more aware of what areas may be needing our attention. I recently came across this self care assessment by Jenn. Feel free to check it out if you like to use these type of tools. (See attached ) or visit her website at: https://healthyhappyimpactful.com/
I invite you to join me at Moccasin Springs this month for some opportunities for Self- Care. AUGUST OFFERINGS:
Friday, Aug 12th Gentle Yoga
Saturday, Aug 13th Yin/Yang Yoga
Sunday Aug 14th Kundalini Yoga
Friday, Aug 26th Gentle Yoga
Saturday, Aug 27th Yin/Yang Yoga
Sunday Aug 28th Kundalini Yoga
All yoga classes are from 9:30am-10:30am. You can drop in just for yoga or use your punch card to have a soak and class. Please arrive in the room at least 5 -10 minutes prior, so you can prepare your space and self and we are able to start on time.
SPECIAL MONTHLY EVENT Every 2nd Sunday of each month @11am we alternate between 5 Element Dance and a Gong Bath. This month, Sunday, Aug 14th will be a Gong Bath.
Do you know someone who has never tried yoga due to financial challenges? I am starting up a Free 3 month yoga class for anyone that wants to try it but cannot afford a regular yoga class. Please have them call me for more details.