Hello, And Happy Fall! It always feels like the summer goes by so fast, yet so much transpired over this summer despite the intention to slow down. Sometimes our lives are so filled we just need time away, so I recently created a week-long solo retreat to Southern Oregon and Northern California. It was a truly nourishing experience to my body, mind, and soul! I always love exploring new environments and being in the presence of trees like oaks, madrones and redwoods was a blessing, not to mention a quick visit to the ocean! Of course you don't have to fly somewhere to create a retreat for yourself. I highly recommend even a couple days to remove yourself from your home, things, relationships & esp. computer and technology, to pause and be with yourself, no distractions!! Spending time on the land in nature is always the best way to connect. Sometimes in our insulated, distracted lives we forget to connect with the earth, trees, water, stars, plants, animals, even insects... They have so much to teach and share with us! And they too need love just like us, we are all part of an energetic exchange of prana (life force energy) that is meant to be shared and flowed through all things! I have recommitted to making these connections every day with every step, breath, thought, word and action as often as I can remember.
Here's a little video i made of my time (5 min): Rajni's Retreat of Stillness
Upcoming events and yoga/5 element dance schedule:
9/11/21 8:30am-9:30am Kundalini Yoga with Gong Relaxation (all levels)
9/12/21 9:30am-10:30am Kundalini Yoga with Gong Relaxation (all levels)
9/12/21 11:00am- 12:00pm 5 Element Dance Practice (No experience necessary)
Then in 2 weeks
9/23/21 12:00pm- 12:45pm Gentle Yoga (all levels)
** (9/25-9/26) class times mirror above,(Except the 5 element dance practice which is only 1x per month) This will likely be taught by James (and not Kundalini) as I am considering doing a Woman's Yoga and Meditation training. You can check in to the Moccasin Springs website or my Gaia Services page on FB for updates. https://www.facebook.com/GaiaServices.net (speaking of which, If you haven't ever popped over there and "liked" the page, please do so you can keep updated with current happenings.
I am really excited and leaning towards saying Yes to this new direction. A 200-Hour Yoga Alliance accredited school, based on the teachings from Sara’s bestselling book, The Way of the Happy Woman. This online training is focused on bringing the sacred, embodied femininity back at the heart of yoga & meditation.
Saturday, Sept 18th, 2021 8:45am-10:00am
I will be leading a field trip for the Prairie Hills Audubon & the Battle Mountain Photo club to learn about my Proposed Fall River Interpretive Trail along Fall River in Hot Springs, SD. Meet at the Mueller Center Parking lot at 8:45 am. The entire trial is approximately 2 miles of mostly easy walking along the paved Freedom Trail. There is a section, "Spur" trail that has some more challenging footing. There are plenty of exit points along the way. We will end at Chautauqua park. Feel free to contact me for further info.

Then later that evening...

I LOVE celebrating INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE!! Every year is a little different. Since this year falls on a Tuesday 9/21 is the actual day, we will be celebrating a little early. I love the plan this year to just enjoy some food, music, dance, story, costume for around the world!! Bring a dish to share & your foodware, the rest is optional.
As a reminder, this is our last month of the Hot Springs Farmers Market FRIDAYS 4-6:30pm At Centennial Park!
Hope to see you soon!!