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May 1, 2022, Happy Beltane!


We’ve arrived at the midpoint or what’s referred to as the cross-quarter between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. Beltane is traditionally celebrated on or around May 1, at the peak of spring when trees are beginning to bud, flowers are springing up from the ground, songs birds fill the morning air. The Earth is fertile and ready for the growing season to begin.

I’ll be filling in for James this morning for Yoga at Moccasin Springs 9:30-10:30am.

Please join me for this special class dedicated to Beltane.

Today also marks the beginning of the High Season at Moccasin Springs, which means our hours are now open 8am-8pm. The yoga schedule will remain the same,

Fridays, Saturdays & Sunday from 9:30-10:30am.

Our Monthly Special Event (2nd Sunday of the month at 11:00am) Goes back to the 5 Element Dance this month, which happens to fall on Mothers Day this year May 8th. Come join me for this fun, movement experience!

For the rest of the year, I will alternate each month between 5 element dance, and A Gong Bath. Each 2nd Sunday of the following months; @ 11am

5 Element Dance- May, July, September, November

Gong Bath- June, August, October, December

More about how to Celebrate Beltane:

Rituals Themes of Beltane: Fertility, New life (or ideas), fresh starts.

Traditionally cultures celebrated with a Maypole Dance to honor the fertility of the season. Because Beltane festivities usually kicked off the night before with a big bonfire, the Maypole celebration usually took place shortly after sunrise the next morning. Young people came and danced around the pole, each holding the end of a ribbon. As they wove in and out, men going one way and women the other, it created a sleeve of sorts — the enveloping womb of the earth — around the pole. By the time they were done, the Maypole was nearly invisible beneath a sheath of ribbons. If you have a big group of friends and a lot of ribbon, you can easily hold your own Maypole Dance as part of your Beltane festivities, however, if you don’t have a large group of friends you can do a simple ritual by adorning yourself or your alter with some of these items:

Colors: Green, yellow, light blue (springtime colors), as well as pink, red, and white.

Crystals/Stones: Rose quartz, carnelian, orange calcite, emerald, moonstone, sapphire, malachite, and amber.

Herbs: Sage, mugwort, birch, honeysuckle, rosemary, lemon balm, dandelion, and lavender.

Incense/Essential Oils: Sage, mugwort, lavender, frankincense, jasmine, and lilac.

Along with any symbols, figurines or pictures that represent Spring & fertility.

Other simple ways to celebrate Beltane: Sprucing up your garden to prepare it for the upcoming growing season. Rake out any leaves and debris, cut back any old brush from last year, take note of which perennials are coming up, and which need to be moved or divided. When planning or adding to your garden this year, consider planting some native, pollinator-friendly perennials, trees, and shrubs.

You can also bless your garden, your alter, your home at this time by smudge cleansing, burying crystals along the perimeter, & or saying a prayer or setting an intention for what new beginnings you want to plant this season. Or perhaps reflecting and re-connecting on the proverbial seeds that you have sown at the new year.

Create a vision board. Whether or not you were able to participate in our Earth Day Community Vision Board, it’s a great activity to do for your own personal visualization of what you want to create in your life. Then you can set it in a prominent place like your alter where you can see it and are reminded each day, connecting with your wishes and dreams, taking time to celebrate their upcoming fulfillment with gratitude.

Remember Earth Day is Every Day! While Earth Day is nationally observed on April 22nd, and here in Hot Springs is now celebrated the whole month of April as Proclaimed by our Mayor, we can take this time around Beltane to reflect on the ideas of this past month that we really want to focus on what shifts in products/habits am I willing to make to live more sustainably and harmoniously with the planet. Then we invite you to take a picture with Brenda’s “Butterfly for Change” currently at Centennial park (soon to be moved to my yard) with your pledge for the earth & post on facebook or other social media pages.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Review the "Switch To" list on the Black Hills Sustainable Living's website:

There is a downloadable document at the bottom of that page.

  • Look for ways to conserve water/energy in your home.

  • Plant A Tree- Fall River Conservation District has their annual “Surplus Tree Sale” on May 27th.

  • Join Black Hills Sustainable Living, by volunteering with any of our current programs, or ask how we can help you support your idea or vision.

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