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View From A New Perspective


Happy Memorial Day and New Moon !!

This new moon brings an opportunity for new perspectives which can be a game changer. Recently I took a short campout with my husband to the National Grasslands for our 10 year anniversary. We didn’t have to go far to get away from the familiarity and comfort of home. In this uninhabited landscape “See of Grass” as he likes to call it, there is a quality of stillness one rarely gets to experience. With only the sounds of birds and insects, views of grass and yellow wildflowers my over stimulated mind and being was able to really slow down to just Be. We both couldn’t help just laying down on the earth and soaking in the feeling. The experience was undeniably impactful!! A remembrance of our deep connection, a foundational mutual love and respect for nature was revived. Later came the new perspective…without going into the details, let’s just say that in that time away from my life and the innumerable distractions (including my spiritual practice) I began to see clearly my part of our relationship challenges. What a gift! Of course the gift came with a sacrifice, as it sometimes does. Now the real test of letting go begins. Sometimes letting go of our comfortable patterns or perspectives, healthy or unhealthy can be difficult. That is why extra self–love and compassion Is a helpful tool when opening to a new perspective. So while you enjoy this memorial day perhaps celebrating with a family barbecue, see if you can carve out 20-30 minutes to yourself in a quiet place in nature to reflect on the energies of this new moon cycle. What areas of your life may need a new perspective? (Hint, think of issues that you keep trying to “work out” and just aren’t changing). Can you let go of your guard just a little bit more and ask yourself, your guides, the universe… what am I not seeing or how can I see my situation from a new perspective?


The only weekend I will be teaching this month at Moccasin Springs will be June 10-12th.


Friday, June 10th Gentle Yoga

Saturday, June 11th- Yin/Yang Yoga

Sunday June 12th- Kundalini Yoga

All yoga classes are from 9:30am-10:30am. You can drop in just for yoga or use your punch card to have a soak and class. Please arrive in the room at least 5 minutes prior, so you can prepare your space and self to start on-time.



Every 2nd Sunday of each month @11am we alternate between 5 Element Dance and a Gong Bath.

Sunday, June 12th@ Gong Bath

Come enjoy a 30-40 minute total relaxation and reset!



Have you seen this art?

Stop by Centennial Art to view the temporary Art Installation honoring the victims of a recent shooting and say a prayer for peace! Thank you Brenda & Dorothy~


The Hot Springs Farmers Market Starts Early this year! We begin June 17th! Fridays 4-6:30pm. The following week during the Main Street Arts and Crafts Festival, look for the market at the Scout Center just across the parking lot.

I’m looking forward to spending this last week of the month in NY visiting my 91 year old mother, going to my 40 year high school reunion, then visiting cousins at a family reunion.

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