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“The only thing constant in life is change.”

François de La Rochefoucauld

There are many times in our life when we experience change. Leaving home for the first time, starting or ending a job, a relationship, moving, losing people we love, the pandemic –having to stay at home 24/7, the list goes on and on. Mostly, we easily navigate these small changes throughout our lives which give us the perfect opportunity to experience change so the larger ones are more palatable. However, what happens when a massive change blind sides you and it’s just too much for you to hold? One example of this is when I was in my 30’s. I was living in Boulder, Co with my 3 year old son and my sister asked me to move to Crestone, Co. to live closer to her. She thought it would be such a win win, as she could help me raise my son and I could help her start a community center. It was a huge decision and change in of itself, as it meant letting go of some really comfortable & positive circumstance with my job, housing, support systems that had taken years to create. Yet, the offer to be closer to her after more than a decade of her living abroad was far too tempting, despite moving to a very low populated area. After only one week of making that huge move, my sister was murdered and that was the end of that. Although this was one of those huge changes that really did blind-side me, at that time, I was fortunate enough to have some spiritual blessings that helped me through that time. And I did survive. We are not always in the same space to deal with these types of changes. Other circumstances play a huge part of the equation, so we must be very kind and gentle with ourselves in these situations. We may even have to reach out for support! Meanwhile, mindfulness practices such as meditation, yoga, dance are tools that can really help in such times. No matter what outside circumstances happen, I know if I keep up with my practices, they will see me through to the other side.

So unless things CHANGE quicker than expected, here are my September Offerings

SEPT. Offerings at Moccasin Springs:


Friday, Sept 9th Gentle Yoga

Saturday, Sept 10th Yin/Yang Yoga

Sunday, Sept 11th Kundalini Yoga

Friday, Sept 23nd Gentle Yoga

Saturday, Sept 24th Yin/Yang Yoga

Sunday, Sept 25th Kundalini Yoga

All yoga classes are from 9:30am-10:30am. You can drop in just for yoga or use your punch card/or membership to have a soak and class. Please arrive in the room at least 5 -10 minutes prior, so you can prepare your space and self and we are able to start on time.



Every 2nd Sunday of each month @11am we alternate between 5 Element Dance and a Gong Bath. This month, Sunday, Sept 11th will be the 5 Element Dance Practice. A joyful way to connect with your spirit and soul! Within a safe and nurturing space, gentle guidance is offered to allow participants to flow with their own intuitive movement. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out.


Special Offer for individuals that have financial hardship

Still offering a Free yoga class in the Park, Tues @ 10am at Brookside for individuals that would like to try yoga but cannot afford to pay for regular classes, please have them give me a call.



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